Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

1 Kohn F.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
2 Widłak I.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
3 Kazaz K.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
4 Ravenščak M.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
Kohn F.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Kazaz K.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Widłak I.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Ravenščak M.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
retired (103 - Tang Junzhe / Chong Victor): retired after SS 7
retired (47 - Re Alessandro / Vozzo Marco): retired after SS 7
retired (87 - Denizci Keskin Kübra / Vatansever Onur): retired after SS 7
flash info (15 - Crugnola Andrea / Ometto Pietro Elia): For sure we can do more, but it's like that. I have nothing to add. I am happy with my performance throughout today, we are doing a good job for the Italian championship. We will see tomorrow, I think it will be quite tough.
flash info (21 - Andreucci Paolo / Briani Rudy): I arrive in there and it took longer in the braking, because there was a mistake.
flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): It's hard to be happy completely with where we are, we struggled with the rhythm and the balance. On these stages it's hard to get the rhythm. We'll speak to Pancho and the rest of the lads in service and see what we can do tomorrow, but it's just flat out.
(21 - Andreucci Paolo / Briani Rudy): spun
flash info (23 - Vincze Ferenc / Németh Gergely): We changed the setup on the dampers. I enjoyed the day. Difficult day and the car could be better.
flash info (18 - Basso Giandomenico / Granai Lorenzo): I had damage for the last two kilometres, this is an unlucky day.
(18 - Basso Giandomenico / Granai Lorenzo): puncture
flash info (24 - Březík Adam / Krajča Ondřej): This loop was much better. Just want to enjoy tomorrow.
flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): It's a new event and I can feel that, my first loop this morning was a bit embarrassing. It doesn't matter how much experience you have, the grip is changing and we are learning as we go. With experience you gain more than normal events so it's good fun here. The plan tomorrow is to complete the day at Rally di Roma Capitale.
flash info (22 - Lefebvre Stéphane / Hamard Anthony): We tried to give it our all, at the end the time is not so good. It was a long day, hard to understand which way to find the setup. It is like that and we'll find some solution for tomorrow.
flash info (6 - Tempestini Simone / Itu Sergiu): I want to thank Campedelli, he gave me the onboard for this stage. I am happy with our day, it was a good one, we are happy with each stage. And like Sergiu Itu says, Happy Birthday Norbert.
flash info (12 - Mareš Filip / Bucha Radovan): I tried to be less aggressive in this stage, you need to find a way to cruise in the stage. Definitely the feeling was much better in the first pass. It was quite a good day for us, we will try to continue like that for tomorrow and take the positives from today.
flash info (16 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): The difference is, even in the last stages I tried my best. On this one, the time comes easy. We are in the middle of the battle, the time continues like this, thinking about the Italian championship. I like that I can battle, usually they are so fast. Let's see for tomorrow.
flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): We'll say it is an OK day, despite the Santopadre stage on the previous loop. Other stages were okay but we lost a lot on the long day. We tried to be consistent and save the pace.
flash info (26 - Daprà Roberto / Guglielmetti Luca): It feels amazing, we had tyre damage in the first stage of the second loop, so we ran a new tyre on the new loop. Luckily that tyre just finished. The level is very high, one or two seconds between the other drivers. Let's continue this way.
flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): I can't make this car go any faster at the moment. We're doing the best we can, we left nothing on the table today.
flash info (20 - Avbelj Boštjan / Andrejka Damijan): Of this loop, this was the best stage for us. We found a good rhythm, we have to be satisfied with today. Top 10 is a great result, but it is important for us in the Italian national championship, this is our goal for the weekend.
flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): It's the same feeling cause the stage is the same. I did a little bit better, I tried to change myself, I used the handbrake to change the car. I used third gear in the corners and it seemed a little better.
flash info (11 - Wagner Simon / Hain Jara): For sure not an easy one, we really enjoy it though and can't wait to be back tomorrow.
flash info (2 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): We did some changes on the service, so car is working much better and now in one corner we hit some pollution and I almost went out! Anyway, we are happy.
flash info (9 - Cais Erik / Bacigál Igor): It seems like they know something we don't, we tried to push to be honest. The line was not that great sometimes. You have to learn how to drive on these, we really enjoyed this one, the car is working well, so all good and looking forward to tomorrow.
flash info (3 - Franceschi Mathieu / Malfoy Andy): I think it was a really nice day for us, we have gone step-by-step and the feeling is back. Tomorrow is a big stage again with the long stage, I have to check the pace notes and see what we can do.
Stage continues.