Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

1 Kohn F.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
2 Kazaz K.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
3 Widłak I.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
4 Ravenščak M.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
Kohn F.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Ravenščak M.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Kazaz K.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Widłak I.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
retired (70 - De Grazia Salvatore / Montavoci Sara): retired after SS 5
flash info (15 - Crugnola Andrea / Ometto Pietro Elia): The stage is quite tricky so we prefer to push, but not 100 percent. Our goal with the Italian championship looks good so far.
flash info (21 - Andreucci Paolo / Briani Rudy): The feeling is better than this morning, it is not perfect but it is better than the first pass.
flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): Step in the right direction for sure, let's keep trying. Now I can drive a bit more like I want to, let's keep going. [Bancho] has been keeping me busy and I've been keeping me busy, the team are working really hard now so let's keep going.
flash info (19 - Scattolon Giacomo / Zanni Gabriele): In this stage, I drive good. But, the time is so-so and [we get] nothing
flash info (23 - Vincze Ferenc / Németh Gergely): We have no grip, lot of gravel on the road and we have brake problems, same as the morning.
flash info (18 - Basso Giandomenico / Granai Lorenzo): I don't have a big feeling with the car. I didn't make a mistake.
flash info (24 - Březík Adam / Krajča Ondřej): We have some kilometres here so we will get better and better, step by step.
flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): We try to tackle the loop better. Straight away I feel a bit more comfortable when I am repeating the stages. We need to carry on like I did now. The car is working now, we did some small changes. Nothing too new for the second pass, just more mindset and feeling comfortable.
flash info (22 - Lefebvre Stéphane / Hamard Anthony): It's a bit better, I think we started to find the way to work. We lost five seconds on this small stage.
flash info (6 - Tempestini Simone / Itu Sergiu): The real target is to enjoy and be happy about this oppportunity we have, the stages today are really nice and we like them so we are feeling good for the moment. The 30km stage will be a real challenge for everybody.
flash info (12 - Mareš Filip / Bucha Radovan): This run was better than the first pass, we changed something in the service where we tried to find some extra speed. I really enjoyed this one but we will see for the long one.
flash info (16 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): Everything is working right now, we made a couple of small changes that give me a bit more confidence for the car. Let's see for the next one.
flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): I feel really well, time could be a little bit faster but we are in a group of really fast drivers. Now for the long stage, Santopadre, I hope we can make a difference on this stage.
flash info (26 - Daprà Roberto / Guglielmetti Luca): I didn't like this stage, it is hard for me to find a good rhythm. There was a dirty corner wide and we went right and hit a hole, we thought we damaged something. So we'll see.
flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Not too many changes as there is more gravel pulled out, it was a messy stage for us. Surprised we didn't lose more time as we didn't really gel very well.
flash info (20 - Avbelj Boštjan / Andrejka Damijan): We had some changes but the feeling here is good. In the junction we went a little too wide and almost spun. It's okay, let's keep going.
flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): The pop-off valve opened three times. I am losing some time.
flash info (11 - Wagner Simon / Hain Jara): Quite similar to the morning, I was hoping for a bigger step of difference but let's see for the other stages.
flash info (2 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): We made some changes, the car is working. More weather, let's see. I think this afternoon will be really long.
flash info (9 - Cais Erik / Bacigál Igor): The time is not as bad as the morning but we had a big moment in the morning. In some places, I was surprised there was not so much dust but in some places there was a lot.
Stage continues.