Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

1 Kohn F.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
2 Widłak I.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
3 Ravenščak M.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
4 Kazaz K.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
Kohn F.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Kazaz K.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Widłak I.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Ravenščak M.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
retired (39 - Pisani Gianandrea / Moriconi Massimo): accident in SS 8
(24 - Březík Adam / Krajča Ondřej): was out of road
flash info (21 - Andreucci Paolo / Briani Rudy): The feeling is a little better than yesterday. Some new stuff for setup, we'll try for the long stage.
flash info (22 - Lefebvre Stéphane / Hamard Anthony): I have no idea to be honest, we changed the car but it doesn't feel better. We have more front but we lose the rear everywhere!
flash info (19 - Scattolon Giacomo / Zanni Gabriele): Not bad, but the time is so-so. For me it is no good.
flash info (23 - Vincze Ferenc / Németh Gergely): Very good, very good stage. The setup is working well. We will see. Difficult day.
flash info (9 - Cais Erik / Bacigál Igor): Seems to be okay, the end of the stage was much slippier than expected. We need a bit more power steering in the corners and not in the exits.
flash info (15 - Crugnola Andrea / Ometto Pietro Elia): I hope so for a big fight, it's a short stage and it went quite well. We made a couple of mistakes like everyone because it is impossible to do a perfect stage. I am happy with my stage.
flash info (6 - Tempestini Simone / Itu Sergiu): We feel good, it's a bit too early. The speed was quite high and I am not used to that at this time of day, but for the one longer we will be more ready.
flash info (3 - Franceschi Mathieu / Malfoy Andy): Felt okay, short run. This is like shakedown now, the best one coming soon.
flash info (16 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): I'm always struggling a bit more to awaken on the first stage of the morning. It is not so bad, maybe I meet some corners not properly but generally it is fine.
flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): No managing in our situation, we're just trying to go as fast as we can. We had a clean stage, a bit short, but the big stage is going to be key.
flash info (2 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): Of course [I am ready for a Sunday fight!]. That is my biggest point.
flash info (20 - Avbelj Boštjan / Andrejka Damijan): Pretty good rhythm, let's see for the long one but the fast guys are coming. Let's see at the end.
flash info (26 - Daprà Roberto / Guglielmetti Luca): Not so good, the feeling was not good. I think we missed a bit of grip on the braking. Let's push on the long stage.
flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): It's a quick morning, it was quite okay. Some new grip and new discovery, I expected this stage to be quite similar to yesterday as they are close to each other. I was wrong, it was quite slippery in here but we managed okay. I am okay, I like the long stages. For me, they could all be that length.
flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): It's a good start to the day just to warm up a bit, quite short and a little bit faster than the others. No problem for this one, let's see the 32km one.
flash info (18 - Basso Giandomenico / Granai Lorenzo): I think it went okay, yesterday we did some change. Yesterday I didn't have a good feeling, but now we will see on the next stage.
flash info (12 - Mareš Filip / Bucha Radovan): Discussion is still there on the table [for tyres], but both of the tyre compounds are performing well on these stages. On this tyre, I have a softer run, but the others are working pretty well. We will probably take the harder one of the afternoon.
flash info (11 - Wagner Simon / Hain Jara): It's not so early, normally I am waking up earlier! Good start, difficult stage with lots of long corners. Now I am waiting for the long one.
flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): We are starting quite early, but we still managed to be here before 8! I appreciate our starting position because the road is clean and we will be on the long one before the very hot weather.
flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): The next stage is one of the real cool ones of the rally and one of the best of the season. This stage is like a hillclimb, not expecting anything special on the times but we keep going, see if we can improve and keep pushing.
Stage continues.