Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

1 Cogni G.
Peugeot 208 Rally4
2 Bertalan M.
Peugeot 208 Rally4
3 Rendina M.
Renault Clio Rally4
4 Stratieva E.
Opel Corsa Rally4
5 Lupu C.
Renault Clio Rally5
Cogni G.
Peugeot 208 Rally4 
Bertalan M.
Peugeot 208 Rally4 
Rendina M.
Renault Clio Rally4 
Stratieva E.
Opel Corsa Rally4 
Lupu C.
Renault Clio Rally5 
retired (39 - Pisani Gianandrea / Moriconi Massimo): accident in SS 8
(24 - Březík Adam / Krajča Ondřej): was out of road
flash info (21 - Andreucci Paolo / Briani Rudy): The feeling is a little better than yesterday. Some new stuff for setup, we'll try for the long stage.
flash info (22 - Lefebvre Stéphane / Hamard Anthony): I have no idea to be honest, we changed the car but it doesn't feel better. We have more front but we lose the rear everywhere!
flash info (19 - Scattolon Giacomo / Zanni Gabriele): Not bad, but the time is so-so. For me it is no good.
flash info (23 - Vincze Ferenc / Németh Gergely): Very good, very good stage. The setup is working well. We will see. Difficult day.
flash info (9 - Cais Erik / Bacigál Igor): Seems to be okay, the end of the stage was much slippier than expected. We need a bit more power steering in the corners and not in the exits.
flash info (15 - Crugnola Andrea / Ometto Pietro Elia): I hope so for a big fight, it's a short stage and it went quite well. We made a couple of mistakes like everyone because it is impossible to do a perfect stage. I am happy with my stage.
flash info (6 - Tempestini Simone / Itu Sergiu): We feel good, it's a bit too early. The speed was quite high and I am not used to that at this time of day, but for the one longer we will be more ready.
flash info (3 - Franceschi Mathieu / Malfoy Andy): Felt okay, short run. This is like shakedown now, the best one coming soon.
flash info (16 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): I'm always struggling a bit more to awaken on the first stage of the morning. It is not so bad, maybe I meet some corners not properly but generally it is fine.
flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): No managing in our situation, we're just trying to go as fast as we can. We had a clean stage, a bit short, but the big stage is going to be key.
flash info (2 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): Of course [I am ready for a Sunday fight!]. That is my biggest point.
flash info (20 - Avbelj Boštjan / Andrejka Damijan): Pretty good rhythm, let's see for the long one but the fast guys are coming. Let's see at the end.
flash info (26 - Daprà Roberto / Guglielmetti Luca): Not so good, the feeling was not good. I think we missed a bit of grip on the braking. Let's push on the long stage.
flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): It's a quick morning, it was quite okay. Some new grip and new discovery, I expected this stage to be quite similar to yesterday as they are close to each other. I was wrong, it was quite slippery in here but we managed okay. I am okay, I like the long stages. For me, they could all be that length.
flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): It's a good start to the day just to warm up a bit, quite short and a little bit faster than the others. No problem for this one, let's see the 32km one.
flash info (18 - Basso Giandomenico / Granai Lorenzo): I think it went okay, yesterday we did some change. Yesterday I didn't have a good feeling, but now we will see on the next stage.
flash info (12 - Mareš Filip / Bucha Radovan): Discussion is still there on the table [for tyres], but both of the tyre compounds are performing well on these stages. On this tyre, I have a softer run, but the others are working pretty well. We will probably take the harder one of the afternoon.
flash info (11 - Wagner Simon / Hain Jara): It's not so early, normally I am waking up earlier! Good start, difficult stage with lots of long corners. Now I am waiting for the long one.
flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): We are starting quite early, but we still managed to be here before 8! I appreciate our starting position because the road is clean and we will be on the long one before the very hot weather.
flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): The next stage is one of the real cool ones of the rally and one of the best of the season. This stage is like a hillclimb, not expecting anything special on the times but we keep going, see if we can improve and keep pushing.
Stage continues.