Delfi Rally Estonia 2024

1 Johansson M.
Opel Corsa Rally4
2 Carlberg C.
Opel Corsa Rally4
3 Sei K.
Peugeot 208 Rally4
4 Vaher J.
Ford Fiesta Rally4
5 McRae M.
Peugeot 208 Rally4
6 Herczig P.
Peugeot 208 Rally4
7 Pesavento D.
Peugeot 208 Rally4
8 Polášek D.
Peugeot 208 Rally4
9 Schulz T.
Opel Corsa Rally4
10 Raftery A.
Peugeot 208 Rally4
11 Grahn A.
Ford Fiesta Rally4
Carlberg C.
Opel Corsa Rally4 
Johansson M.
Opel Corsa Rally4 
Vaher J.
Ford Fiesta Rally4 
Sei K.
Peugeot 208 Rally4 
McRae M.
Peugeot 208 Rally4 
Pesavento D.
Peugeot 208 Rally4 
Herczig P.
Peugeot 208 Rally4 
Schulz T.
Opel Corsa Rally4 
Polášek D.
Peugeot 208 Rally4 
Raftery A.
Peugeot 208 Rally4 
Grahn A.
Ford Fiesta Rally4 
Информация за СЕ 12
retired (5 - Heikkilä Mikko / Temonen Kristian): retired after SS 12
retired (45 - Oprea Cristiana / Parteni Alexia): accident in SS 12
flash info (31 - McRae Max / Fair Cameron): We're trying to build the pace back up and get the mileage in, struggling with the car and the confidence a bit so we're just trying to learn and get to the finish really.
flash info (39 - Pesavento Davide / Zanella Flavio): I flew in a jump, no problem the car is okay. The stage is very difficult, I tried my best.
flash info (33 - Polášek Daniel / Omelka Zdeněk): We are struggling, we are struggling with the notes and the stages. Just trying to get the experience now.
flash info (34 - Raftery Aoife / McKillop Hannah): We ran wide in a corner. Tricky stage, very difficult, we have some tyre damage on the rear left so we lost a bit of time.
flash info (50 - Bartkuvėnas Mantas / Vičiūnas Justas): I could say one more beautiful morning. Everything great, I like the jumps. I am happy to be here. I cannot imagine a better morning in my life.
flash info (47 - Unt Esmar-Arnold / Mark Robin): Very hard, we lost our pace notes and terrible stage for us. Just looking to the final.
flash info (48 - Triisa Toomas / Merisalu Laur): It's super fun, for me. It's almost the end of the rally but we got some good turns finally. I am happy, I like this track.
flash info (41 - Välilä Tuomas / Välilä Päivi): We spin and have a gear problem. We lost time.
(41 - Välilä Tuomas / Välilä Päivi): spun
flash info (37 - Herczig Patrik / Varga Kristóf): Really fast, really tricky. The first one today was quite okay. This one, my pace note was not the best. We will check it in the service.
flash info (35 - Schulz Timo / Wenzel Michael): I just don't feel confident now on these stages, it's so slippery and narrow and you can do so many mistakes. Just don't feel confident.
flash info (51 - Tiits Mark-Egert / Viilo Jakko): It is tough. We tried to keep it steady, had a few moments but nothing too crazy. I'm happy to be here.
flash info (25 - Ravenščak Martin / Ravenščak Dora): Not so good today, I don't have confidence at all. I am just trying to finish the stage without any mistakes, we are here. We just have to complete the rally, that's it.
flash info (32 - Carlberg Calle / Eriksen Jørgen): Tyre damage again, if it is not rain or some trouble then it is tyre damage. Nothing is going my way this weekend!
(32 - Carlberg Calle / Eriksen Jørgen): puncture
flash info (36 - Sei Karl-Markus / Leotoots Martin): It's a difficult stage, the pace changes so much throughout the stage. You have to really listen to your co-driver or you will just drive off.
flash info (30 - Johansson Mille / Grönvall Johan): Stage was really tricky and also very warm. Got a good rhythm, really tricky stage. I think it went good for us but I don't know. We had a problem in a junction-left in the last stage, I couldn't get it right and I just slid out. We lost some time to Carlberg, but all good.
flash info (24 - Kohn Filip / Woodburn Tom): Bad! We have some problem... we are just figuring out on the stage.
flash info (38 - Vaher Jaspar / Pruul Sander): It was hot. Like too hot. The stage was quite rutted also so we took it quite carefully.
flash info (22 - Widłak Igor / Marczewski Michał): I think it is not my day, I have problem with getting the rhythm. The rain is very hard today and I must go for it.
flash info (23 - Kazaz Kerem / Magalhães Hugo): At the first stage, Charpentier just stopped. I don't need to push anymore, trying to finish in this position. Cruising around now.
flash info (28 - Nõgene Joosep Ralf / Lesk Aleks): Too messy. The pace notes weren't as accurate as I thought. A few moments we lost some time.
flash info (29 - Enok Patrick / Simm Silver): I tried, but it is so difficult on this stage and easy to make a mistake. On the last one we tried, but Romet is so fast.
flash info (27 - Jürgenson Romet / Oja Siim): Rhythm wise it was the best stage I've had this weekend, up until the middle part when it went quite messy and we didn't follow the lines. We still haven't put a nice stage together so I hope we can still do it.
flash info (11 - Costenaro Giacomo / Ometto Pietro Elia): I was terrified! For me it is so difficult. I didn't have any confidence in the stage. It was slippery, a lot of blind turns, bumps. Difficult!
flash info (21 - Allen Philip / Furniss Dale): I clipped a stone in a right-hander, I knew I hit it hard enough and the tyre was still on. As we drove off, it came off the rim.
(21 - Allen Philip / Furniss Dale): puncture
flash info (15 - Virves Robert / Drew Craig): Some small changes to the car are needed. As much as I have heard, if this rain comes I don't think there is too much difference between the car. It is not really good driving at the moment, it is tricky in the narrow parts. The grip is not where it should be. We have time now to check the pace notes.
flash info (12 - Linnamäe Georg / Morgan James): I think we were a little bit too slow in the last part. Just a little bit too cautious, seems that when it is a little bit damp we could go off a bit. I'm doing what I can but Virves is fast today.
flash info (14 - Gryazin Nikolay / Mālnieks Andris): It feels super slow, some places maybe I was sideways too much, some places I have massive understeer. Let's see what the guys behind will do but I know it is not possible to catch them.
flash info (5 - Heikkilä Mikko / Temonen Kristian): If I was lucky on the previous one that is the end of the luck for us. After the jump, I landed with full throttle, then the engine stopped. Nothing happened with the throttle, I switched the engine off and on again. I just came through slowly.
flash info (6 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): That one was not good, very technical and very demanding. I was driving according to my perception, we can cool down a bit now. We are on the finish line and I hope we can go for it on the Power Stage.
flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): Two missed junctions, we misunderstood each other and I thought it was a crest 40 and a junction. Way ahead, it happened again so I think we need to check the pace notes. Easily 8 sec.
(4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): missed junction
flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): It's a very technical stage, really hard on the pace-notes and you can't really read the corners. We're in no-man's land so just trying to keep it tidy. When the rain comes on this stage and it's already slippery in the dry, it's not going to be a stage to look forward to.
flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): Armstrong's problem, not mine! He is behind so he has to push to catch me. It was okay, we did it without any kind of problem. But not so great for me.
flash info (2 - Franceschi Mathieu / Malfoy Andy): Just finish the race and go back working.
flash info (18 - Jeets Gregor / Taniel Timo): The stage was slippier than I thought. The end part was narrow and I think I lost a lot there. Still don't know how to get the time from narrow places.
flash info (7 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): Much better than the first one, I made the car a lot different. These stages are so narrow and there is a lot of traction, so we're just trying to keep the front in. Let's see where that leaves us.
flash info (16 - Asunmaa Teemu / Mannisenmäki Ville): We have three or four different sponsors during the rally! The camera guys thought the steering wheel would be a good place to put sponsors.
flash info (20 - Yamamoto Yuki / Salminen Marko): Hanninen always advises me, this morning is just learning all the kilometres. Getting to grips with the pace and the rhythm, so let's keep pushing.
flash info (9 - Larsen Frank Tore / Eriksen Torstein): There is something missing still to find the pace, I am trying everything I can but I am really struggling at the moment. Still trying to find some pace.
flash info (19 - Kasari Kaspar / Raidma Rainis): Really slippery and it could clean a lot. Even on the straights and the braking, it's really slippery, even in the chicanes.