Tet Rally Liepaja 2023

1 Laskowski H.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
2 Parys P.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
3 Soria P.
Renault Clio Rally3
4 Armstrong J.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
5 Matulka J.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
6 Kelly E.
Ford Fiesta Rally3
Armstrong J.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Laskowski H.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Parys P.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Matulka J.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
Soria P.
Renault Clio Rally3 
Kelly E.
Ford Fiesta Rally3 
retired (47 - Kogure Hikaru / Luhtinen Topi): technical problem - driveshaft in SS 8
retired (30 - Jalava Miko / Peippo Matias): accident in SS 8
flash info (23 - Matulka Jakub / Dymurski Daniel): It was a really nice stage, with nice rhythm and nice flow. Good stage from us!
flash info (56 - Laskowski Hubert / Kuśnierz Michał): It was a very good stage, I am very happy, the stage was very fast but I'm happy and need to push!
flash info (53 - Terlecki Aleksander / Szeja Marcin): The surface is very slippy, but its a pleasure to drive so fast on this surface!
flash info (22 - Armstrong Jon / Fair Cameron): Went too early to the corner and had to go with it. Thankfully we didn't go into the ditch and get stuck, but we had to turn the car around - a bit of an "oops" moment!
flash info (16 - László Martin / Berendi Dávid): Not easy but enjoyable and very fast, its hard to understand the car in the fast sections but we keep pushing.
flash info (4 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): A lot of loose gravel, we had to be a little bit slower I think and had to brake a lot. We enjoyed this though and look forward to the afternoon loop.
flash info (5 - Sesks Mārtiņš / Francis Renārs): I love this stage and all the stages of this rally in previous years. Its so enjoyable here.
flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): We wanted to extend the gap a bit more, so we can push more in the Power Stage. Tricky conditions here though, difficult to read the grip.
flash info (2 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): I don't have any grip - I don't know what to do to be honest because we are really soft on the car, on the limit to be undriveable. We are at the limit - I just don't know what to do.
flash info (14 - Virves Robert / Drew Craig): Feels like first time driving rally car, we have some time now to check the videos and we can improve a little bit.
flash info (7 - Heikkilä Mikko / Vaaleri Samu): It was really really slippy, we had a couple of wide lines so we lost some time there, but really fun.
flash info (8 - Linnamäe Georg / Morgan James): We had a big moment and went off the road for a little bit which is a shame cause it was going well so far.
flash info (6 - Franceschi Mathieu / Escartefigue Jules): Yeah, we are happy. We can be better on the stage, we lost some time because of too much slide on the first section. Let's see on the second loop.
(8 - Linnamäe Georg / Morgan James): was out of road
flash info (9 - McErlean Joshua / Fulton James): There's quite a lot of standing water that might clear for the others, it was hard to push.
flash info (3 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): I know this stage very well, I was pushing like hell, but the time is not here.
flash info (15 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): Maybe I have to make some setup changes as I have been struggling with the grip this morning, but I have to keep driving.
flash info (17 - Pryce Osian / Prévot Stéphane): Need to keep my foot in a little bit more, on the whole it was better but Cais should be in front of me. I'll catch him back up!
flash info (12 - Rådström Dennis / Johansson Johan): Almost spun on a quite fast left hander, so lost some time. Now I'm trying to push again because I'm so far back on the time! Chicanes are a disaster too, I don't know what to do.
flash info (11 - Cais Erik / Bacigál Igor): It's an amazing feeling to drive this beautiful stage, on these beautiful Michelin tyres, in this beautiful car!
flash info (18 - Battistolli Alberto / Scattolin Simone): I did something wrong apparently. Let's see the second pass and I'm enjoying!
flash info (10 - Mareš Filip / Bucha Radovan): It's a really nice stage, for sure it's quite complicated with the rain. The rhythm of the stage is nice and so is the flow, we enjoyed it!
(18 - Battistolli Alberto / Scattolin Simone): was out of road in last corner