Rally Islas Canarias 2018

1 Munnings C.
Peugeot 208 R2
2 Falcón E.
Citroën DS3 R3T
Falcón E.
Citroën DS3 R3T 
Munnings C.
Peugeot 208 R2 
Information de la ES 3
retired (60 - Guerra Bernardino / González Miguel Ángel): accident in SS 3
flash info (42 - Falcón Emma / Gonzalez Eduardo): I did a big mistake because I thought we had a puncture, but it was OK. I stopped and checked the tyre, we lost maybe 30 seconds.
flash info (34 - Munnings Catie / Stein Anne Katharina): It was completely dry for us, but we were on wet tyres so it was quite moving around.
flash info (33 - Brož Dominik / Těšínský Petr): First part was good, but maybe last two kilometers we had no front brakes.
flash info (39 - Stengg Roland / Dorfbauer Claudia): The last one wasn't really good, I was too aggressive. I'm not feeling good at the moment.
flash info (37 - Kristensson Tom / Appelskog Henrik): It was quite OK, no big mistakes, it went quite well.
flash info (38 - Hokkanen Miika / Pasenius Jukka): It has been OK, but in this stage I could push more. I was too careful with the tyres and we lost a lot in this one. I hope we can push more in the next round.
flash info (32 - Sesks Mārtiņš / Francis Renārs): Well I'm quite surpised with the result. It's all about the pacenotes here. We feel the tarmac and if everything goes well, the result is there.
flash info (41 - Bernardi Florian / Bellotto Victor): Good stage, good for the first loop. I'm happy, it's my first international rally, I hope to continue to learn like this.
flash info (30 - Gago Diogo / Ramalho Miguel): It was good, we enjoyed the downhill. I'm happy with the first loop.
flash info (36 - Wagner Simon / Winter Gerald): No problem with the rain, I'm really surprised the tyres survived this stage. The time looks good.
flash info (31 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): Not so good, I tried to push on the first one, but now I had no tyres, the time is not good.
flash info (27 - Melegari Zelindo / Cecchi Andrea Marco): I like the stage, but we still have some problems, now with clutch.
flash info (25 - Alonso Juan Carlos / Monasterolo Juan Pablo): Wonderful, but I thought in the last five or six kiloemeters I didn't have tyres on the rear.
retired (14 - Nobre Paulo / Morales Gabriel): accident in SS 3
flash info (26 - Remennik Sergei / Rozin Mark): Cool, nice stage, I enjoy it.
flash info (8 - Pellier Laurent / Combe Geoffrey): This stage was harder than the previous one so we tried to save the tyres. But OK we are here and so far it's a good result.
flash info (19 - Pernía Surhayen / Peñate Rogelio): Not bad, but we have wrong tyres on the rear and it was hard in some parts of the stage.
flash info (9 - Ptaszek Hubert / Szczepaniak Maciej): Hard to find the correct balance. On this tarmac you try not to kill the tyres, but OK, we survived, everything is under control.
flash info (23 - Zawada Aleks / Dachowski Grzegorz): Amazing car, I recommend it! I'm sorry for Chris, I hope he will be OK soon. We are learning the car, we will change the setup now and maybe we try to push.
flash info (3 - Herczig Norbert / Ferencz Ramón): Sometimes I was too carefull, trying to save the tyres. But the feeling was absolutely OK.
retired (11 - Ingram Chris / Whittock Ross): retired - healthy reasons in SS 3
flash info (16 - Gryazin Nikolay / Fedorov Yaroslav): This one was difficult, twisty stage and it was hard for the tyres. After previous stage we have mixed compounds and it was hard to drive here with that.
flash info (1 - Lukyanuk Alexey / Arnautov Alexey): Really nice stage, almost dry so I think the tyre choice for this loop was good. I'm really happy with my pace.
flash info (2 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): OK, I was maybe too careful with the tyres. The time is not so bad, but other guys will be faster. At some places the car was too soft.
flash info (20 - Suárez José António / Carrera Cándido): We took it really carefully, some places were really wet. We wanted to keep the car on the road.
flash info (6 - Kreim Fabian / Christian Frank): I think I was little bit too safe in wet parts, but OK. But it cloud be little bit better.
flash info (7 - von Thurn und Taxis Albert / Degandt Bjorn): The brakes are too hot. Really tricky first loop, with hard tyres on the wet road it was tricky, but good fun.
flash info (22 - Brynildsen Eyvind / Eriksen Torstein): We did a mistake with the tyre choice, it was much more wet than we expected. But I enjoy it.
flash info (5 - Loubet Pierre-Louis / Landais Vincent): It wasn't so bad as in the previous two stages, I lost a lot of time there. I was sliding a lot, I don't know.
flash info (10 - Neubauer Hermann / Ettel Bernhard): It is OK, but I don't know, on the previous stage I lost the confidence. I lost the brakes now in the end, I have to be careful. It's really difficult for me.
flash info (21 - Grzyb Grzegorz / Wróbel Jakub): Now it was OK. The start was clean and dry, in the middle there was some wet. But OK, we drive well, the time is nice. The previous stage was completely wet, it's rally.
flash info (4 - Habaj Łukasz / Dymurski Daniel): It was good, almost completely dry. We lost brakes in the end. I think in this stage the conditions will be the same for everybody.
flash info (15 - Avcioğlu Orhan / Korkmaz Burçin): I lost a lot of confidecnce on the previous one, this one was better, it was almost all dry. Quite OK, the time is not the best, but we are here to learn.
flash info (12 - Botka Dávid / Mesterházi Márk): It was drier, we could go faster.
flash info (17 - Monzón Luis / Deniz Jose Carlos): Not so good, I thought the tyres would work here better. I have a little problem with the brakes.
Road surface: mostly wet tarmac
Start of the stage will be delayed by 4 minutes.