Rallye Monte Carlo 2013

1 Chardonnet S.
Citroën DS3 R3T
Chardonnet S.
Citroën DS3 R3T 
flash info (42 - Burri Olivier / Duval Guillaume): It is not good, no feeling with the tyres.
flash info (32 - Wiegand Sepp / Christian Frank): We had a problem on road section, because cable from battery is broken. We have tried to fix it, but during stage it has broken again, so we have stopped and fixed it. I hope we will finish the section.
flash info (12 - Kościuszko Michał / Szczepaniak Maciej): We had a problem with the pacenotes, gravel crew didnt make precise work so I trust believe in pacenotes so much. (full studded tyres)
flash info (21 - Prokop Martin / Ernst Michal): Conditions are changing all the time, not all tyres on same surface. Very difficult to stay on the road. (full studded tyres)
flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Andersson Jonas): It was very dirty, I had one big moment, I was surprised there was so lot of mud, but car is working very well. (full studded tyres)
flash info (22 - Bouffier Bryan / Panseri Xavier): It was very difficult. I was driving carefully, but I have some clutch problems. I am quite satisfied with the time. (full studded tyres)
flash info (6 - Hänninen Juho / Tuominen Tomi): It was quite long and difficult stage. Luckily I am here. (crossover - 2 studded and 2 winter)
flash info (7 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): It is quite strange, Mikko Hirvonen has been very quick. I thought I was driving quite good, but now I see it was not so good. (full studded tyres)
flash info (2 - Hirvonen Mikko / Lehtinen Jarmo): It is almost every stage, conditions are still changing. It was difficult stage, but I am quite happy with driving. Novikov was really fast. (front studded, rear super soft)
flash info (5 - Novikov Evgeny / Minor Ilka): It was very slippy, very narrow. OK, everything is OK, I am enjoying the driving. (fully studded tyres)
flash info (10 - Sordo Dani / Del Barrio Carlos): Rear of the car was moving a lot. On the beginning I had almost a spin and after that I was not driving very well. Road is getting more dirty, but it is difficult to find where are the dirty places. (front studded, rear super soft)
flash info (8 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): It was quite difficult stage. I think it is getting a bit worse because you are putting snow from the kerb on the road. (front studded, rear super soft)
flash info (1 - Loeb Sébastien / Elena Daniel): It was very tricky stage, not nice to drive. You never had two tyres on same grip. It was difficult to keep the car straignt. (front studded, rear super soft)
Citroen a VW 4x hrotové + 2 super měkké, M-Sport 4x hrotové + 2x sněhové, Bouffier 6x hrotové, Hänninen 2x hrotové + 4x sněhové
Volba pneumatik: rozdílná volba pneumatik pro následující sekci, většinou mix hrotových pneumatik se zimními nebo měkkým slickem
Podmínky na RZ: mix ledu, sněhu a mokrého asfaltu, mění se s každou zatáčkou